Soils and Foundations
- Realization of uniform deformation of soil specimen under undrained plane strain condition based on soil-water coupled finite deformation analysis considering inertia forces, Vol.53, No.6, pp.937-950, 2013.
- A 3D soil-water coupled FE analysis of hollow cylinder test concerning non-uniform deformation, Vol. 53, No.6, pp.923-936, 2013.
- Acceleration generation due to strain localization of saturated clay specimen based on dynamic soil-water coupled finite deformation analysis, Vol.53, No.5, pp.653-670, 2013.
- 廃棄物の地盤材料としての有効利活用法に向けた検討, Vol.10, pp.385-390, 2013.
3rd International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, GEOMATE 2013 (Japan, Nagoya, November)
- Simulation and prediction of large-settlement in ultra-soft peat ground by deducing the in-situ initial conditions considering artesian pressure.
- Development of SPH method with an elasto-plastic constitutive model considering soil skeleton structure and its application to excavation problems.
- Seismic response analysis of geotechnical structures built of cement-treated dredged soil.
18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 18th ICSMGE (France, Paris, September 2013)
- Prediction of and countermeasures for embankment-related settlement in ultra-soft ground containing peat.
- Dependency of nonuniform ground surface liquefaction damage on organization and slope of deep strata.
- Interpretation of mechanical behavior of cement-treated dredged soil based on soil skeleton structure.
- Oscillation of Acceleration Accompanying Shear Band and Subsequent Time-Dependent Behavior in Overconsolidated Clay under Undrained Plane-Strain Conditions.
- Simulation of Delayed Failure in Naturally Deposited Clay Ground by Soil-water Coupled Finite Deformation Analysis Taking Inertial Forces into Consideration.
- Seismic stability assessment of a steel plate fabricated column constructed on liquefiable grounds with different soil-layer profiles.
- Interpretation of the Effect of Compaction on the Mechanical Behavior of Embankment Materials Based on the Soil Skeleton Structure Concept.
- Effect of Seismic Waves with Different Dominant Frequencies on the Delayed Failure Behavior of a Soil Structure-Ground System.
- 厚く堆積した浦安市沖積粘性土層における深度方向の物理・力学特性の違い, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp437-438, 2013.
- Influence Factors of Acceleration Wave Generated during Strain Localization, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp475-476, 2013.
- セメント改良した浚渫土で造成された土構造物の地震応答解析, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp783-784, 2013.
- 各種排気・排水条件下で制御された不飽和三軸シルト供試体の力学挙動の数値シミュレーション, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp845-846, 2013.
- 真空圧密工法を併用した盛土載荷による超軟弱ピート地盤の沈下の再現と将来予測, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp985-986, 2013.
- ドレーン内の水圧を未知数にとるマクロエレメント法によるウェルレジスタンス現象の再現, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp991-992, 2013.
- 東北地方太平洋沖地震の影響を考慮した軟弱地盤上の高速道路盛土の沈下の将来予測と補修計画, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp995-996, 2013.
- SCP改良地盤の杭間のモデル化方法が地震時応答に与える影響の数値解析的検討, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1339-1340, 2013.
- 継続時間の長い地震を受けたSCP改良地盤の余震時の挙動に関する数値解析的検討, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1595-1596, 2013.
- 地中埋設鋼管を有する軟弱砂地盤上の小型鋼構造物の地震時安定性評価, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1659-1660, 2013.
- 軟弱粘性土層を有する地盤に築造された岸壁構造物の地震応答解析, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1811-1812, 2013.
- 軟弱粘土層を有する地盤上に築造された岸壁の背後地盤の耐震改良効果の数値解析的検討, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1813-1814, 2013.
- 荷重制御の支持力問題において発生する地盤振動に対するスケール効果, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp1907-1908, 2013.
- 慣性力に対応可能な空気〜水〜土骨格連成解析による土供試体の均質一様変形場の実現, 第48回地盤工学研究発表会, pp843-844, 2013.